(Investigator 23, 1992 March)

If astrology is scientific, and the planets that babies are born under effect their prospects in life, then it's important that babies' births be timed to best effect.

However, hospitals do not consult astrologers and then delay or induce birth accordingly.

An Investigator reader wanted a statement on this paradox and the following letters resulted:


Birkenhead 5015

1991 August 1

Dept. of Obstetrics
Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Dear Sir/Madam,

I respectfully request an answer to a question that has serious implications.

Michel Gauquelin, a French scientist now deceased, is noted for discovering the alleged "Mars effect". He correlated the positions of the planets with the moment of birth of famous/talented people.

Obstetricians, nowadays, can induce or delay labour, safely by weeks. This is enough variation to change the constellations and planets a baby is born under and hence whether he’ll be rich or poor, famous or ignorant, talented or stupid, etc. Get the timing wrong and a life is ruined!

In view of the popularity of astrology it may not be long before society's failures sue obstetricians for letting them be born under an unlucky star and denying them the good life that the planets of a week earlier would have bestowed.

All this places an awesome responsibility on persons in charge of maternity wards and I would like to know what's being done about it at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Yours faithfully,


A letter received from the QEH’s Obstetrics & Gynaecology department dated 9th August 1991 said:  "As you are aware, doctors can bring on babies weeks early, but do so only in extreme circumstances. We have no ability to delay labour by weeks. Perhaps you could send me the scientific evidence showing that delaying, or delivering early, changes a person’s future personality."

Birkenhead 5015

1991 September 4

0bstetrics & Gynaecology
Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Dear Dr. __________

Thankyou for your reply (August 9) to my letter of August 1st.

I had inquired whether anything is being done at Q E H to bring on the births of babies (prematurely if necessary) to coincide with astrologically favourable dates.

You asked for "scientific evidence showing that delaying, or delivering early, changes a person's future or personality."

I refer you to ASTROLOGY: THE EVIDENCE OF SCIENCE (1988) by P Seymour – a scientist with a Ph.D. in astrophysics.

Observe also that astrology features in many prominent magazines and newspapers. (Just last Saturday The Advertiser had a full page on astrology!) Surely, so many respected editors and respected astrologers would not all be lying to and swindling the public?

Not only is a person's lot in life said to be influenced by the configuration of the planets at his/her birth but the current planetary positions also influence current events – travels, gardening results, surgery/operations in hospital, etc.

Therefore the time may come when persons "born under an unlucky star" or who receive surgery when the wrong planets are in the wrong constellations will sue the hospital.

Please inform me whether anything is being done about these problems at the Q E H.

Yours faithfully,


Birkenhead 5015

1991 November 20

Dr ------------------
0bstetrics & Gynaecology
Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Dear Dr. ----------------

You have not yet replied to my letter of September 4th a copy of which is enclosed.

Further evidence for astrology was published in OMNI December 1989. The article was titled AN ASTRONOMER DEFENDS ASTROLOGY.

If the stars and planets influence our general course in life as well as daily events then it is important to time the birth of babies as well as of surgical operations not by the urgency of the case or by the availability of beds or surgeons but by the calculations of astrologers!

If the Q E H has an Ethics Committee you will surely want to bring this crucial point to their attention!

Please let me know the result.

Yours faithfully,


<>[When anything crucial is at stake Astrology is ignored. This is because Astrology is a pseudoscience that is, it is unscientific and therefore has no relevance in medical decisions. More evidence is given elsewhere on this website. Ed.]