A Selection of Editorials from Investigator Magazine:
Investigator 150, 2013 May Welcome to the 150th edition of Investigator Magazine, including an Index which covers 25 years of investigation. The magazine started in 1988 and has reported on hundreds of topics in religion, the supernatural and the paranormal. Most of the published material goes on the Investigator website which became functional on January 1, 2001 and now has 1500 articles and letters. Investigator offers to present both sides of disagreements but often doesn’t. This is because advocates of the paranormal, i.e. advocates of contrary-to-science ideas, apparently fear a "set up" and are reluctant to present their beliefs when critics might respond. Supporters of the Bible, however, have been tenacious and several have "fought the fine fight" for most of the 25 years. For the first eight years Investigator's budget was $5 per week which covered advertising, photographs, paste-up, giveaway sample copies, and typewriter ribbons. Much of the magazine was typed on an ancient typewriter purchased for $25. Great success or splendid appearance could not under such circumstances be achieved. Nevertheless writers appeared and contributed articles for free and this kept Investigator going. A list of some past and current writers appears on page 5, and the article Investigator History — Voices from the Early Years recalls two writers in more detail. Will Investigator go on to reach the 200th edition? If that happens it may be the limit since editors like other people get older. For the present the motto still is, "Keep on investigating."
Investigator 133, 2010 July Welcome to Investigator Magazine #133. Harry Edwards presents Channeling and says: "It is a fact that questions designed to solicit pertinent information from spirits are always ignored or parried by evasive answers..." Laurie Eddie examines Naturopathy – a popular form of alternative therapy – and reveals "the truth" that it is "a form of religious belief, and...its treatments are based upon pseudoscientific faith." Anonymous informs us that the Bible is " Against Debt" and he reveals its principles for debt-reduction. John H Williams explains that Young Earth Creationism and Intelligent Design are not science because real science doesn't have supernatural beings rearranging nature. Brian De Kretser in The Tabernacle Tale recapitulates part of the "fairy story" in the Bible book of Exodus. Kevin Rogers disagrees with philosopher David Hume on miracles and argues that "multiple attestations can in principle provide sufficient evidence to warrant belief in a miracle." An article by a new contributor could not be fitted in but is scheduled for the next edition. Hopefully all you readers will find the information and disputes in #133 helpful and edifying.
(Investigator 120, 2008 May) Twenty years of investigation are behind us and 1500 articles on religion, the supernatural and the paranormal have been published. See for yourself by examining the Index starting page 43. This is Investigator Number 120 – welcome to it. Harry Edwards examines Spirits – particularly manifestations produced by Spiritualists – and concludes, "The evidence [is] tenuous indeed and a travesty of serious research." From Laurie Eddie we have a tract produced by Australian skeptics explaining how clairvoyant readings come up with seemingly insightful information. Read it and be fooled no longer. John H Williams criticises predictions based on millennial dates such as 1000, 2000 and 6000. Anonymous answers Bible critics who claim that the Old Testament does not predict a resurrection on the third day and that the New Testament is wrong in stating it does. Kirk Straughen shows that the "Golden Rule" occurs in many religions, not just in Christianity. One well-wisher has expressed hope that Investigator will go on to reach 200 editions. While success can’t be promised, we can nevertheless go for it. Therefore, to enthusiastic
among the readers I say, "Keep on investigating!"
From Harry Edwards we have Seances. Edwards says, "rational and acceptable explanations have been given for the supernatural claims made." Bob Potter writes on Zionism and the Holocaust and explains how, "the major objective of the world Zionist movement was not in conflict with Hitler’s racist policies." Laurie Eddie in Changing Thinking Patterns explains how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can change distorted or unwanted thought patterns. B Stett in Conservapedia examines a Christian-based Internet encyclopedia created to rival Wikipedia. Anonymous, in Holy or Horrible?, discusses the current "avalanche of books" authored by prominent atheists criticising faith, religion and the Bible. Kirk Straughen in The Abolition of Sati in India examines the factors responsible for the abandonment of the practice. The nerve centre of Investigator is a cramped back-yard shed where sometimes papers disappear and get forgotten. Therefore if any articles you've sent in some time ago have not been published please inquire about it.
In our 110 editions many topics have been debated and settled, sometimes with certainty and sometimes only probably. This time we have the following: Laurie Eddie is an Adelaide psychologist, recently retired, whose patients included gamblers. Mr Eddie contributed a pamphlet from his clinic about problem gambling. Harry Edwards writes on Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The article is from his book published some time ago and therefore lacks information on recent developments. Nevertheless his conclusion on whether ET will show up – "I for one will not be holding my breath" – remains valid. B Stett discusses Indoctrination in Jehovah's Witnesses and focuses on the importance of information-control and of repetition. John H Williams, a highschool teacher in South Australia and a university graduate in geology, discusses "catastrophism" in geology. He rejects the notion that catastrophism implies geology is moving toward creationism. Anonymous in Genesis and Human Origins replies to Kirk Straughen and claims Genesis has one creation story not two. In another article he assures us that "The Devil" is nasty and therefore "Justly Maligned". Greg Neyman in Petrified Deception explains petrification and how some creationists have gotten it wrong.
EDITORIAL (Investigator 108, 2006 May)
Such discussion is part of science. However, if what's unknown is attributed to a supernatural agency then we have not science but religious belief. John H Williams (p. 48) provides a short piece about the current creation/evolution trial in Kansas. And Anonymous (p. 36) distinguishes creationism from intelligent-design and explains what's wrong with the former. Harry Edwards discusses Near Death Experiences. He rejects the idea that the experience occurs when a mechanism that releases the soul at death is prematurely triggered. John H Williams in Providentially argues that good outcomes during life do not prove that God gave a helping hand but are "providential". (p. 10) B Stett in Bible Movies discusses the Hays Code that guided movie makers, and provides a list of movies about Bible characters and early Christianity. Kirk Straughen continues the disagreement about "The Problem of Evil". (p. 34) We also examine the
Internet search
for its ability to turn up Investigator articles. There's been
that we're examining too many obscure search engines, therefore in July
we'll do Google.
EDITORIAL (Investigator 107, 2006 March)
In this edition: Harry Edwards discusses Hypnosis. He says: "There appears to be little consensus in law for the validity of hypnosis." Dr Bob Potter in Demonology In The Modern World explains why people working to assist others with mental problems need to be aware of the patients'/clients' beliefs including beliefs in demons and witchcraft. The
central claim of Islam
is, "There is
no God but Allah, and Mohammad is his prophet." The Book of Mormon
in contrast foretells a "choice" prophet and translator named "Joseph".
The Bahais, however, believe that their founder, Baha'ullah, is the
of Christ – which Mormons, Muslims and Christians disagree with. And
Bible has Jesus saying, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No
one comes to the father except through me."
John H Williams and Kirk Straughen respond to Ken DeMyer's (#106) argument for a young Universe. They argue that science is correct, and the Earth and Universe really are billions of years old and not 6,000 years. B Stett says that Gamblers Mostly Lose, and explains why this is so. The above articles plus several shorter ones will give you much to think about until the next edition.
EDITORIAL (Investigator 105, 2005 November
In this edition: Harry Edwards sums up the life of Madame Blavatsky founder of the Theosophical Society. We find out she's: "one of the most accomplished imposters of history." Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Every tenth anniversary after World War II there's renewed debate in the media about the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. An Investigator article on this topic appeared ten years ago and is now revised. Demons. My TV Guide, describing Erotic Ghost Story (1990) which showed on April 23, says, "A demon, disguised as a poor scholar, seduces three beautiful wolves." I'm quoting correctly, but wondering whether the TV Guide got it wrong. Investigator's debate about demons is now fading – see p. 5 – but Edwards introduces a new variant by claiming "The Devil" has been misrepresented (p. 44). Astrology. Kirk Straughen presents The Origin of Astrology and explains why: "The predictive powers of astrology are illusionary." Goliath. Anonymous discusses various Bible giants particularly the Goliath versus David episode. He argues, not surprisingly, that the Bible again is accurate. Starting
with the next
edition Investigator
subscriptions will be $20 within Australia; for overseas it will be $25
or US$20. If anyone wants to renew at the previous price, it will be
EDITORIAL (Investigator 100, 2005 January)
The 800 articles coincide with many of the beliefs people argue and even fight over and which motivate many of our decisions and much of our behaviour. Potentially, people can make better decisions by finding out who wins when skeptics and believers give their evidence and argue out their discrepant views. This is Investigator's Rational – see page 30. We also, in Number 100, have an Index of everything since the first edition in July 1988. This has left space for only a few short articles. Contributors include Harry Edwards on Fairies, Anonymous on Birth the Bible Way, and Jerry Bergman on JW Books in Academic Libraries. K Straughen and D Nicholls continue with the Transmission of Scripture debate, and L Eddie authorized reprinting of a skeptics tract about Scientific Method. A history of Investigator published in #50 concluded, "Now that fifty editions have been published, dare we hope for 100?" The "hope" evidently was justified. The aim now is to keep going while it's possible. The
800 articles can be
accessed at: www.adam.com.au/bstett/
Occasionally requests are received to publish Investigator articles on other websites or even in books. Such requests are not decided by the editor but are passed on to the authors of the articles concerned. In the current edition: Harry Edwards explains "Automatic Writing". This occurs when the hand producing the writing or painting "is not consciously directed by that person's mind." (p. 8) Tomas Hu Douts seeks reasons for Islamic "Fanaticism & Violence". He adds that, "the vast majority of Muslims do not appear to be bloodthirsty fanatics hungering for the destruction of the West." Laurie Eddie investigates the sources of the Atlantis legend. Another writer wrote about Atlantis last year, but Mr Eddie's effort supplies additional details. B Stett shows that if you gamble you "Risk Being A Loser" and the odds of you being a loser are in your favor. (p. 33) Jerry Bergman provides a summary of the life and beliefs of rocket scientist Wernher von Braun - who apparently believed the Bible! There
have been further
to the 1 1/2-year long creation/evolution debate. However, that
finished in #95. I remind writers of the requirement expressed in the
of #94:
When disagreeing on a
topic – which
be in religion, the supernatural or the paranormal – debaters
need to ask themselves, "Am I supplying evidence on the topic under discussion?"
(Investigator 90, 2002 May)
What we investigate are topics in religion, the supernatural and the paranormal (including medical claims that apparently flout science). In this edition: Stigmata is a chapter from Harry Edwards' book A Skeptics Guide to the New Age. Edwards explains most occurrences of stigmata as physical effects of "religious ecstatic states". Dr Sydney Bockner of Adelaide discusses The Rise and Fall of Psychotherapy. Despite listing five main criticisms he says, "Freud's work cannot be dismissed as of no significance." From Kirk Straughen we have Part 2 of Is Creationism The Answer? His conclusion, which I quote here at the risk of spoiling your suspense, is "Creationism is not the answer." Anonymous replies to Kirk Straughen on Adam and Eve and gives six reasons which together, he says, constitute, "evidence for divine origins of humans." He also continues what began as a debate about prayer but which became a discussion of why there is evil if God is good. B Stett (1) Summarises a TV report on Homeopathy [often spelt Homoeopathy]; (2) Discusses weeping statues; and (3) Explains why JWs decline public debates. Josef Holman responds on
evolution to
and John H Williams.
EDITORIAL (Investigator 88, 2003 January)
In this edition: Sai Baba is an Indian psychic whose followers make remarkable claims about him. Harry Edwards lists some of the alleged miracles of Sai Baba and says they are, "simple magic tricks performed by magicians world-wide." Dr Sydney Bockner of Adelaide, in You can't change your sex, explains why "sex change is impossible." Bob Potter says Laurie Eddie's article (#87), on The Real Story of Christmas, "magnificently covered much ground". Now in #88 Dr Potter covers additional ground. "Anonymous" in Skymap and the Christmas Star uses computer technology to support his Christmas Star thesis described in Investigator 81. He also challenges Laurie Eddie's (#87) interpretation of similarities between the Gospels and other religions. In December, 2002, Bigfoot was declared "Dead". To commemorate this, an article is reprinted from Investigator #8 wherein it was argued that Bigfoot is "nonsense". (pp. 37-39) Kirk Straughen asks Is Creationism the Answer? He gives reasons for concluding it's not. In particular Creationism is based on faith whereas, "science is based on the testimony of nature which is accessible to all people and therefore its theories are capable of being tested." If,
occasionally, an Investigator
article makes you angry because you disagree with it read The
of Anger by Joseph Holman.
Investigator Magazine
skeptics, true believers and impartial observers to present their
in topics in religion, the supernatural and the paranormal. The hope is
* Some controversial
questions will be
* Beliefs that hurt people will be exposed as harmful.
In the previous edition Harry Edwards gave a broad definition of what a psychic is. This time he contributes an article about Joan of Arc – who fits the definition – and explains the source of her voices and visions. Kirk Straughen gives brief replies to Anonymous on Neanderthals and on God and Evil. "Anonymous" uses the lull in debate to write about The Bible on Lions. He presents another apparent case of the Bible pre-empting modern scientists in a scientific discovery. Dr Sydney Bockner contributes two items that previously appeared in pamphlets published by the SA Skeptics – Hypnosis and Alien Encounters. He shows that, "Experimental evidence obtained under scientific conditions does not support the extravagant claims made about the hypnotic state." Past Investigator debate touched on whether the Bible writers borrowed ideas from other ancient religions. Laurie Eddie in The Real Story of Christmas now presents this topic in more detail. Rado Vleugel explains why
he changed from
being a devout Jehovah's Witness "pioneer", commended in The
as a fine example, to maintaining an anti-JW website. Read Rado
Vleugel's Story.
Investigator tries to get believers in religion, the supernatural and the paranormal to settle their differences with skeptics by debate. If most articles are skeptical it's because true believers are often backward in coming forward. In this edition: Harry Edwards writes on the New Age. He says that New Age lectures discourage "critical thinking and analyses fundamental to scientific and rational processes." He says that by misinformation the New Age makes the gullible public vulnerable to financial and emotional ripoffs, various other hazards, and sometimes even death. "Anonymous" again promotes
the message
the Bible is right and people who disregard it are wrong. This time he
tackles Child Sexual Abuse and Religion. The currency of this
is seen by the following news report:
B Stett examines a book that was popular in1918, The Finished Mystery. He investigates whether its content fulfils what its promoters implied for it – infallible accuracy. Lance Storm of the
University of Adelaide
describes an investigation into The effects of Attitudes Toward
on ESP Performance.
However, don't leave. Try to enjoy it – perhaps your efforts will solve questions that people have debated for centuries. In this edition: Laurie Eddie discusses the origin and nature of Ayurvedic Medicine, reveals its differences with modern scientific medicine, and highlights its "fatal flaw" – that it was "based upon many superstitious beliefs." Harry Edwards gives us two articles – Mentalism and Metaphysical Degrees. In Mentalism (= mental magic) Mr Edwards explains how some common tricks are done. John H Williams replies again to Jerry Bergman. In #82 Dr Bergman gave A Brief History of the Modern American Creation Movement. This was originally written 9 years ago. Therefore Williams presents some of the more recent events involving creationism. Anonymous takes the Astronomy, Geology, and Creation debate, which started in #79, a step further and fits the "six days of creation" into the evolutionary framework. B Stett discusses the JW effort - now discontinued - to provide Comfort for the Jews and concludes: "JWs do not provide genuine Comfort for the Jews nor for anyone else." Josef Holman replies to
his two opponents
on the efficacy of prayer and Kirk Straughen discusses The
of Auras.
(Investigator 75, 2000 November)
In this edition: We have the Index to Investigator 2 to 74. A separate index to the "Brief Report" sections is planned for January. Harry Edwards, author and skeptic of NSW, writes on Spontaneous Human Combustion and concludes that: "unreliable circumstantial evidence abounds." Lance Storm – Adelaide University Ph.D student in psychology – investigated ESP in vision-impaired and sighted subjects. He discusses why sighted subjects got the higher score. We see Investigator's whimsical side in Movie Cliches, Oh deer I got it awl rong!, and in the reprint of one of the earliest investigations, done in 1988 – Zambian Spaceflight. Burjin J Kotwall found his long-ago debate with "Anonymous" on the Bible "debilitating". (No. 73 p. 4) John H Williams perhaps felt the same way when he wrote, "I will not be responding to anything he writes in future." (No. 72) Mr Williams has now recovered and will be joined in January by Keith Cornish, president of the Atheist Foundation. Epic Bible Battles lists Bible Debates so far since No. 60. The previous special
edition, No. 50,
had the
comment: "Now that fifty editions have been published dare we hope for
one hundred?" Well, having reached No. 75 we're half way there.
More than 2000 articles from Investigator Magazine on this website