Eric Bruton

Eric Bruton has received Investigator Magazine for six years. He supplied the following information:

Eric Bruton, 62, is a recently retired public servant having worked for the N.S.W. Roads and Traffic Authority, managing the Plan Room in the Wollongong Regional Office.

He came to accept the Christian faith in his mid-twenties. Soon after his conversion he came into contact with the Jehovah’s Witnesses. This experience led to his interest in researching cults and alternative religions bringing him into contact with the counter-cult movement.

Mr Bruton has partly completed a Diploma in Theology as part of his activities within the Anglican Church particularly in the area of Christian apologetics.

His other interests include surfing, swimming and surf life saving. He is a life-member and former president of his local surf life-saving club. He resides within a short walking distance of his local beach and still enjoys regular sessions in the surf.

(Investigator 101, 2005 March)