John Hutchinson has been a shearer for forty years and was the Australian sheep shearing champion for six years.

He travels overseas regularly to demonstrate shearing Britain (three times), United States, New Zealand, and the World Exposition in Japan. He is the senior shearing coach for South Australia. This takes him through much of Australia's "Outback".

Mr Hutchinson is a Baptist lay preacher in fellowship with the Victor Harbor Baptist Church. He was converted at 14, but: "Following the exciting experience of sins forgiven, a Christadelphian assailed my beliefs, asserting that I was astray, Churches were all false, and Christadelphians alone were right." (Investigator 42 p. 21)

His activities as a lay preacher include seminars about Christadelphians. (Investigator 51 p. 12)  A debate in Investigator in 1995 ended with Jim Luke (Christadelphian representative) backing out after two rounds.

In 1921 Mr Walter Marks M.H.R. who was connected to the Christadelphians gave a speech in Australia's Federal Parliament in which he predicted Armageddon and Christ's return for 1934. Mr Hutchinson supplied the text of this for reprinting in Investigator 43. 

( Investigator 56, 1997 September)