(Investigator 175, 2017 July)
I came across your website while doing research on the Jehovah's
A friend of ours has been studying with the JWs and frequently sends JW
articles. Recently he sent an article that quoted Professor George
Howard. We have had many discussions over the last 2 years about the
"Divine Name" and generally feel like we go in circles. It's incredibly
frustrating. When I read your "New World Translation" article I was
encouraged by the information. You quoted two letters written by
Professor Howard. The second letter was written in 1990 when I gather
he was still with the University of Georgia. I did Google him hoping to
find contact information but it appears he has retired.
We have had many discussions with our friend about the numerous changes
to the NWT over the years and the numerous predictions that have been
made and not come true. Our friend tells us that the Jehovah's Witness
leadership, in humility, admit when they are wrong and make corrections.
It is difficult to challenge an organization's teaching when it
can change things as they go.
My hope is that information in articles like yours will appeal to the
intellect of our friend and cast a shadow of doubt about the JW
teaching. And, we pray God touches his heart.
Thank you for your research — I will continue to browse your
Gordon Mross