(Investigator 30, 1993 May)


P.O.Box ---
Geelong 3220
Australia 23-11-92

Dear Doug

Thankyou for your letter and your donation. We are a small community of Christians. We are trying to practise the lifestyle that Jesus taught his disciples to live. Jesus taught that we should sell all our possessions (Luke 12:33, Luke 14:33) and to share all things that we have with each other equally. (Acts 2:44-45, Acts 4:32)

Unfortunately most of the churches around today do not teach people to do this. They are offering short cuts to heaven that do not satisfy the soul. We live in an affluent society that places money before the needs of the poor of the world. We believe that a Christian is someone who works for love and not for the false god of money. A Christian seeks to serve humanity. By sharing what we have and working together full time we aim to provide an example that one can live differently to the selfish society that everyone thinks is 'normal'. You can change the world if you want to. Jesus teachings provide a basis for understanding how it is possible.

Enclosed are some pamphlets on different topics. They will not answer everything so we encourage you to ask questions and we are happy to send you more things to read next time you write. We think the things we have written will be very helpful for you in living a useful life, But ultimately the way to really know God and love is to work for God full time. If you would like receive our monthly newsletter which is free of charge, please request it next time you write.
Yours for Christians
Jessica Danko

"Do any of you do any secular work at all?" I asked Warwick Hill, 27, originally of Western Australia.

 "What's that?" he replied.

"It's when you work for an employer for money."

Warwick is a member of a cult which insists on no other name for itself but "Christians". According to this cult to be a complete Christian you have to sell your house, car and other valuables, donate the proceeds to their group and move into their communes. There you live off unemployment benefits, student allowances, charity, and donations from the public.

Booklets of the cult, letters, and personal testimony all come straight to the point which is that you must sell your possessions and live in poverty.

The main commune where about 20 members live is in Geelong, Victoria. There's also a commune with 7 members in India, one in Queensland with 3 members, one in Liverpool, England, with 3 members and currently one in Adelaide with 3 people.

Warwick was distributing free booklets in Port Adelaide. The booklets had cartoon drawings which promoted the message that all other religions are inadequate and greedy.

Of the 20 in Geelong 8 are on a Government student allowance. If they complete their course, however, they won't seek employment because that's against their doctrine.

Prior to joining up a year ago, Warwick had lived with Aboriginals for 5 years, in Esperance for 5 years, and on a farm in Albany for another 5 years.

The founder of the "Christians" David McKay, 46, left the Children of God (the "Family") in 1977 because of their "flirty fishing" which involved girl members giving sex to prospective converts.

In 1992 the "Christians" set up a tent embassy with the flag of India at Geelong's Deakin University to highlight Third World living standards. Students pelted the cult with eggs and asked: "Why should we help India when they spend millions on arms?"

Warwick planned to join the commune in India and afterwards the one in Liverpool. Evidently donations are adequate for international travels!

Letters by the "Christians" in response to enquiries from the public come straight to the point which is to sell any possessions of value and give up your job.

The letter retyped above and the one following, were sent to Doug Davies a subscriber to Investigator in Victoria:

Box ---
Geelong 3220

Dear Doug,

Thanks for your letter. I'm Attila, Jessica's husband. We take it in turns to answer mail. She's busy, so I'm doing it.

I'm putting you on the newsletter list. We have lots of publications, mostly short pamphlets or booklets, but we don't really have a definitive list. We usually send as many as we think will be read. I must emphasize, though, that what we are trying to achieve is practical action to change this dying world, and/or help individuals to escape the bondage of the way most of the world operates.

You see, most people think they need a job and/or money to survive, whereas Jesus taught that we need not worry about any of our needs; so we can concentrate on the important things in life, like serving others. (Matthew 6:19-34) Have you thought about actually leaving your job and selling all your possessions to lead a life of fulltime service to others?

Lots of love,
Your friend,

Warwick gave me a card titled "JESUS' COMMANDS" which listed forty commands.

Number 6 and Number 8 on the card state:

6 "DON'T WORK FOR FOOD—JN 6:27, MT 6:24-33, LK 12:29

8 SELL ALL THAT YOU OWN—Lk 11:41, 12:33, 18:22

A further inquiry to their P.O. Box in Geelong (Victoria) got the following response:

P.O. Box ---
Geelong 3220

Dear Bernhard,

Thank you for writing. Warwick is the name of the person you met in Adelaide. He has just recently travelled to India where he will be doing social work for a few months. Unfortunately we do not still have any members in Adelaide. The few who were there for the summer, returned to Victoria in late February. I'll try and answer some of your questions.

We are a small community of Christians. We are trying to practise the lifestyle that Jesus taught his disciples to live. Jesus taught that we should sell all our possessions (Luke 12:33, Luke 14:33) and to share all things that we have with each other equally. (Acts 2:44-45, Acts 4:32)

Unfortunately most of the churches around today do not teach people to do this. They are offering short cuts to heaven that do not satisfy the soul. We live in an affluent society that places money before the needs of the poor of the world. We believe that a Christian is someone who works for love and not for the false god of money. A Christian seeks to serve humanity. By sharing what we have and working together full time we aim to provide an example that one can live differently' to the selfish society that everyone thinks is 'normal'. You can change the world if you want to. Jesus teachings provide a basis for understanding how it is possible.

Enclosed are some pamphlets on different topics. They will not answer everything so we encourage you to ask questions and we are happy to send you more things to read next time you write. We think the things we have written will be very helpful for you in living a useful life, But ultimately the way to really know God and love is to work for God fun time. If you would like receive our monthly newsletter which is free of charge, please request it next time you write. Please also tell us a bit more about yourself, your beliefs, and your comments on the enclosed pamphlets the next time you write. Thanks.

Yours for Christians,
Christine Dunn
