Adam and Astronomy:  Must both be ex-nihilo Creations

Dr Bergman

(Investigator #214, 2024 January)

    One of the most controversial areas of the creation worldview is the short time during which the Bible teaches that the Creation took place. Actually, this view is very logical. The creation of Adam could not have involved much time because he must have been created as a fully functioning human with blood traversing in his circulatory system to be alive. Lack of blood to his brain for five minutes would have ended his life. A person becomes unconscious during cardiac arrest within 20 seconds after the heart stops beating. Without the oxygen and sugars it needs to function, the brain is unable to deliver the electrical signals needed to maintain breathing and organ function. After only three minutes, global cerebral ischemia—the lack of blood flow to the entire brain—leads to brain injury that gets progressively worse after each second. To create a lung, heart, and his other organs separately would not work. Without the protection of the body, and its nutrient circulation, these organs would rapidly deteriorate. Consequently, Adam would have to be created ex nihilo with a fully functioning body and oxygenated blood traversing through his body.

    If Adam could be examined by a modern doctor, he would conclude that Adam was a very healthy mature 25-year old (or so) man, even though he was actually only a few hours old. Adam thus had the ‘appearance of age.' Conversely, he would not have any of the negative signs of aging, such as the beginnings of plaque in his arteries and veins. Arterial plaque occurs when cholesterol builds up in the arteries’ inner linings. Nor would he have the normal cellular deterioration which slowly builds up, and is not normally apparent until we are in our 40s.

    The same is true of the Solar System. It must exist as a complete operational unit to function. One example is the Moon’s critical role is required for life to exist on the Earth’s surface. The origin of our Moon has dumbfounded cosmologists for over a century and still does. One popular theory was the Capture Theory. As the Moon was orbiting around the sun with the Earth it was captured by the Earth's gravitational field. Aside from the improbability of this event, the question of where the Moon came from is still a mystery. Compared to all other moons, our moon is enormous in relation to the size of the Earth. Trips to the Moon by creationist James Irwin allowed moon rock to be brought back, which created problems for the Capture Theory. The moon rocks were far too much like the Earth to have come from some distant part of the Solar System.

    A few of the other origin of the Moon theories include the Fission Theory, the Condensation Theory, and the Giant Impact Theory. According to the Giant Impact Theory, at some point in Earth's very early history, the Moon formed as a result of a massive collision between the Earth and a planet about the size of Mars. The debris from this impact collected in an orbit around Earth to form the Moon. The problem with this theory is, where did the Mars-sized planet come from? The theory assumes before Earth and the Moon existed, a proto-Earth and a smaller planet called Theia existed. The problem is that absolutely no valid evidence exists for the Giant Impact Theory except for it being superior to the other competing theories since it can explain why the Moon's rocks are so similar to the Earth's.

    Our solar system’s planets are all held in their orbit in a smooth-running system by our giant Sun's gravity. To produce the required stable solar system, God could not have created a bunch of planets that are moving everywhere willy-nilly. As a bike is stable when moving, but will fall over when not moving, likewise the planets are stable when moving. This is a requirement in order for life to exist on our planet. The Earth not only spins on its axis at 24,898 mph, but orbits the Sun at an average speed of 67,000 mph, or 18.5 miles a second. The entire Solar System is moving at an average speed of 448,000 mph (720,000 km/h). At this rate it would take about 230 million years to travel all the way around the Milky Way Galaxy, which is where our solar system is located. The Milky Way Galaxy itself is moving at a speed of 25 miles a second. Our galaxy is part of the Local Group of galaxies that, as a group, is moving at the truly astonishing rate of 375 miles a second toward the Virgo SuperCluster. The Virgo SuperCluster is an enormous collection of galaxies some 45 million light-years away from Earth. In short, the entire universe must exist as a functional unit, just like the human body. Its movement produces the stability that we experience on Earth. Of the over 5,000 confirmed exoplanets out of the billions of stars in our galaxy, none show any evidence of life. It appears that the entire Universe was created as a functional unit for humans, just as our body was also created as a functional unit.

These enormous distances is a major reason why scientists believe the universe is old. New discoveries by the James Webb telescope found a remarkable assemblage of 5,000 relatively young galaxies. Among them, one galaxy, the youngest to date, unveiled an array of extraordinary cosmic phenomena, to the point that scientists are baffled as to how it is even possible. The problem is, at the edge of the universe we expect to find very old galaxies because a galaxy that is a few billion light years away we are seeing what it looked like a few billion years old. The problem is a lot of what we are seeing has proven very hard for scientists to understand.