(Investigator 93, 2003 November)

One of the lesser known branches of paranormalism is Psychic Dentistry, and it is the speciality of the Rev. Brother Willard Fuller and his wife Margaret of the Aquarian Foundation Universalist Church, America, who claim to be able to painlessly fill your cavities, straighten your teeth and perform other miracles at their healing sessions.

They claim to have enabled thousands to have their teeth healed through their world-wide ministry and have produced dental wonders such as cavities filled with precious metals and even new teeth made to grow. According the psychic dentist, God has been helping him to fill teeth, grow new ones, replace fillings with gold and silver and reshape maloccluded jaws for over twenty years.

Brother Willard visited Australia in March 1986 and attracted a large audience at the Town Hall in Chatswood where he allegedly performed his miraculous healing. As people filed past Brother Willard and his wife, they tapped everyone on their heads saying, "In the name of Jesus be every whit whole." Later, on inspecting mouths for signs that dental healing had started, Willard allegedly found evidence to that effect.

Can God really fill Teeth? According to spiritualists Willard and Margaret Fuller he can – but only through their spiritual dental healing service. Dentists however, have other ideas. One who examined twenty-eight people before and after they were "healed" found that in one case the "miraculously bestowed gold fillings" turned out to be tobacco stains, and in another, where a woman reported a new silver filling she remembered later that the filling was already there.

When Fuller toured Australia in 1986, a complaint was registered with the NSW Dental Board advising that Fuller was not registered under the NSW Dentists Act, 1934. The matter was heard in Sydney on March 26, and the magistrate found the offence proven.

A conviction was not recorded however, the decision in part being based on the defendant's statement that he had not been before a court charged with any breach of the law in any country he had visited.

Undeterred, and back in America, Fuller's travelling dental circus continued to attract attention with a coast to coast tour.


Plummer, M. 1986. Miracles Demonstrated Through Dentistry. the Skeptic. 6(2):3-6.

__________1986. More Dental Miracles. the Skeptic. 7(1):14-15.

Sheaffer, R. 1980. Psychic Vibrations. Skeptical Inquirer. 5(4):12.

From: A Skeptic's Guide to the New Age, Harry Edwards.

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