(Investigator 152, 2013 September)


Astrology, variously termed an art by some and a science by others, dates back over 6000 years. The Chaldeans, Babylonians and ancient Egyptians used astrology thousands of years before the birth of Christ.

By the 8th century B.C., the twelve principal constellations were in use as the Zodiac by the Chaldeans, and the great megalith of Stonehenge, the Ziggurat of Ur, the ancient Indian observatory at Jantar Mantar near Delhi, and the Mayan observatory of Caracol, were all built to observe and record, in one way or another, the movements of the heavenly bodies.

The 13th century saw astrology attain academic respectability, the University of Bologna instituting a Chair of Astrology in 1225 A.D.

During the Renaissance, astrology enjoyed positive encouragement, not only from the Papacy, but from some of the leading courts of Europe.

In modern times astrology has enjoyed a resurgence both as entertainment and as a serious science. The fundamentals have been attributed to Ptolemy in the 2nd century A.D. and have survived little changed to the present day.


Astrologers believe that as the planets in the solar system move in a predictable way and exert an influence on both man and his destiny, those influences can be predicted with equal accuracy. They also believe that this idea also applies to the state of one's health.

Each sign of the zodiac is believed by astrologers to be related to body parts, internal organs or systems, psychological mechanisms, and stages of growth in one's life. Furthermore, certain planetary configurations can supposedly trigger diseases in susceptible persons.

Astrologers claim that by knowing which planet is responsible for a particular type of disease, illness or dysfunction, the therapies most likely to be effective can be ascertained from a standard textbook by referring to the sign in which the planet resides.


A horoscope is constructed using the date, time and place of birth of the subject.

From this, the governing sign is determined together with the afflictions associated with it. In the case of Scorpio which supposedly governs the bladder, urethra, genital organs, rectum, descending colon and prostate gland, the afflictions include prostate gland enlargement and all sorts of ailments stemming from those areas (Mann, 1989). The recommended therapies are all holistic and include many of the alternative healing techniques mentioned in this book. In the case of Scorpio — Colonic Irrigation Therapy.


If any credence can be had in astrological diagnoses, one must first believe in the tenets of astrology — undoubtedly a pseudoscience.

Generally speaking, all astronomical interpretations are simply a collection of conventional statements culled from a vast number of astrological textbooks — some unchanged for centuries and totally disregarding medical and scientific progress. The example of Scorpio above is a clear indication of how general are the diagnoses. An enlarged prostate, or cancer of the prostate is endemic in males over 50 years of age approximately one in every three males succumb, and the affliction is not only confined to Scorpios.

Numerous studies have been carried out to determine the truth or otherwise of astrology. They have all proved negative. (MacNeice, 1964. Jerome, 1977. Randi, 1986.) In America, on June 7, 1989, and repeated in July on ATN Channel 9, Sydney, Australia, a TV special, Exploring Psychic Powers Live (featuring psychic debunker James "the Amazing" Randi) set out to test the claims of astrologers and psychics by offering a prize of $100,000 if they could prove the truth of their claims.

The competing astrologer interviewed twelve people whom he knew represented all of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and whose charts he had cast. He directed each to an alcove in a colourful semi-circle of Zodiac signs. When the presenter asked each person to step forward if their actual birth sign did not match the alcove into which they had been placed, ALL TWELVE people stepped forward at once.

It can be stated unequivocally that astrology has no scientific basis whatsoever. Such was the concern of scientists, that 192 leading scientists, of whom 19 were Nobel Prize winners, signed and published a statement expressing their concern about the increasing acceptance of astrology. (Bok and Jerome, 1995)
In respect of medicine, even the proponents of astrological healing recommend a second opinion from a conventional medical practitioner. Such is the faith of their convictions.


ATN Channel 9, 1989. Exploring Psychics Live. July 1989.
Bok, B. J. and Jerome, L.E. 1975. Objections to Astrology. Prometheus Books. Buffalo. Reprinted from the Humanist, 35 September/October 1995.

Edwards, Harry. 1989. "Quack Attack (part IV)" the Skeptic, 9(3): 31-33.
____________  1992. Astrology Today. the Skeptic. 12(4): 23-25.

Cauquelin, Michel. 1980. The Truth About Astrology. Bazil Blackwell. UK.

Happs, John C. 1987. "Belief Systems." the Skeptic. 7(2): 21-26.

Hines, Terrence. 1988. Pseudoscience and the Paranormal. Prometheus.

Jerome, Lawrence E. 1977. Astrology Disproved. Prometheus.

MacNeice, Louis. 1964. Astrology. Aldus Books Ltd.

Mann, A.T. 1989. Astrology and the Art of Healing. Allan & Unwin Paperbacks. UK.

From:  Edwards, H. 1999 Alternative, Complementary, Holistic & Spiritual Healing, Australian Skeptics

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