Frank P Russo


Some men change the world but Frank Russo seeks to change the Universe!  His mind goes boldly where no mind went before.

But it's an uphill battle and takes incredible determination.

The Adelaide resident has expanded Einstein's theory of relativity, believes he has a cure for AIDS and proposes a method to ensure the sex of children before conception.

All this despite a serious handicap!

The former scientist of the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science suffers from a sleep disorder. "I never sleep," he said. This made concentration difficult and ended his career.

Mr Russo, 44, claims he has written: "An article which will revolutionize the world of science.

"Not only does it change relativity; it also changes quantum theory, cosmology, celestial mechanics, nuclear fusion and nuclear fission!"

The article titled, The Required Modifications for Relativity to be Universal, was rejected by Nature magazine and by Physics Today as, "too specialized".

Mr Russo telephoned both managing editors about collecting his Nobel Prize in Sweden on his behalf but his hopes were premature.

The Nature rejection letter read in part: "We, the manuscript assistants at Nature, salute you. Let us be your disciples, as the only true Scientist ever to grace the filing cabinets of Nature. Thank you, Thank you, and once again Thank You Sir!"

Whereas Einstein's theory says the speed of light is constant Mr Russo distinguishes the effective or absolute speed from the relative speed.

Mr Russo explained, "If a person traveling at 1 metre per second slower than the speed of light shines a torch forward, the light relative to him would move at one metre per second in the absolute frame. But relative to a hypothetical stationary point the light would have an effective or absolute velocity of about 300,000 kilometres per second."

"It follows," said Mr Russo, "that Space travel at the speed of light is possible and ideas about time dilation are wrong."

The new theory is appearing in a prestigious British journal Speculations in Science and Technology.

Mr Russo said, "My articles are listed under four headings in the Physics Abstracts.

"I'm almost certain to win the Nobel Prize for physics."

Another conclusion of Mr Russo is that exercise lowers the pH of seminal fluid – making it more acidic– and increases the chance that female-determining sperm will fertilize the ovum. A report about this appeared in The News in September 1991.

Mr Russo had noticed that his family produced 22 males and one female over three generations: "I measured the acidity of my sperm and the sperm of my three brothers before and after exercise and found exercise made it more acidic.

"After this research one brother fathered two girls. He was a hard worker and that's equivalent to exercise."

Mr Russo also proposed two cures for AIDS and sent copies to both Nature and the AIDS Council of South Australia – without response.

One cure involved bone marrow transplants and the other involved heat. Said Mr Russo, "It involves artificial in-vitro adjunctive circulations and alternating a series of heat baths and cooling baths to do maximum damage to the virus.

"I know of several companies which have the technology."

Non acceptance of his ideas, despite ten years of contacting scientists and editors, and despite publication in Speculations, leaves Mr Russo unfazed: "I will keep trying; it took the Church 300 years to accept Galileo!"

Mr Russo is seeking membership in MENSA – the association of intellectuals whose membership qualification is an IQ of 148 or above." A letter from Muirden College states he: "completed an I.Q. test at our college in 1978 with a result of 170."

"Only one person in 670,000 is at my level," said Mr Russo. "Probably Adelaide has only one other!"

Most scientists make discoveries by using sophisticated equipment but Mr Russo relies on thought:  "After I solved relativity I solved nuclear physics in five minutes."

Besides physics Mr Russo also pursues theology. His home library includes the volumes Biblia Hebraica, Biblia Vulgata, The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Genesius Hebrew-English Lexicon, and The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life. Another activity is to phone politicians to try to get unjust laws changed.

Prevented by his handicap from realizing his full potential Mr Russo enjoys recalling triumphs of yesteryear. For example:

"I set a scholastic record by doing eleven subjects in year 11 instead of the normal five and passed the lot.

"I was Junior Mr Adelaide in 1974 and second in the senior section. I set three power lifting records the previous year and came top in the state in four sports.

"In a worldwide quality survey of laboratories my lab at the Institute came first in Australasia out of 95 and second in the world out of 595."

Nowadays Mr Russo plays chess with his computer and debates by phone with scientists and scholars while awaiting a Nobel Prize.

"People will soon see the Universe in a new light," he said.


 (Investigator 58, 1998 January)